Part 1-Recruitment Modules Reports
Manpower Requisition
JSM HR lets you view reports on Manpower Requisition. You can view details about an vacancy and also track vacancy status.
Resume Master
Facility to view various kinds of reports on Resume like - resume details. Facility to filter based on various criteria like qualification, state, city, age, gender etc.
Shortlisting of Candidates
Facility to view shortlisted candidates reports. Various filtering criteria are possible.
Reports on interview results. Reports can be segregated round wise also.
On Hold and Rejected Candidate Database
Reports on on hold and rejected candidates.
Reference Check
Ref check results can be printed from here.
Part 2-Employee Database Modules Reports
JSM HR provides more than 50 reports about an Employee. This forms the foundation of an Employee MIS.
Report Options
Powerful sorting options - Facility to sort by Employee code, name, designation, department, grade, employee category, DOJ, division etc.
Employee reports
JSM HR gives a variety of powerful reports to meet the diverse needs of HR and top management. We cover all possible reports about an Employee that is needed by HR. These range from as basic a report as Employee information, qualification and experience related reports to complex reports like Employee Profile that show in one single report all information from joining to exit about an Employee. There are reports on Salary Structure, memberships, family details, gender ratio, blood group, religion, payment mode etc.
Facility to view various lists like - List of new joining etc. Facility to take out lists department wise.
Part 3-Department Head, Reporting Relationships Modules Reports
HOD Configuration
Report on who is the head of department.
Reporting Relationships
Report on reporting relationships of employees.
Part 4-Process, Project and Team Modules Reports
List of employees process wise
List of employees project wise
List of employees team wise
Part 5-Appraisal Modules Reports
Reports on KPI designation wise, their measurement criteria and ratings.
Potential Traits
Reports on Potential Traits designation wise, their measurement criteria and ratings.
Complete report on an Employee appraisal including KPI results, Potential Traits results, and final ratings.
Part 6-Increment Modules Reports
Increment Reports
Facility to view increment due list, increment details and increment amount reports.
Part 7-Promotion Modules Reports
Facility to view Promotion details of Employees. Facility to select date periods.
Reports of re-designation of employees.
Part 8-Transfers Modules Reports
Reports on Employee transfers.
Part 9-Confirmation Modules Reports
Facility to view reports on - list of Employees on probation, confirmation due list of employees, confirmation details.
Probation Extension
Report of extension of probation.
Contract Renewal
Report on renewal of contracts. Contract renewal due list.
Part 10-Training Modules Reports
Training Budget
Report of Training budget office wise
Training Calender
Report on Training calender - list of trainings scheduled date wise.
Training Record
Report on Training Details - date, number of employees attended, cost involved, employee details etc.
Training Feedback
Report on Employee feedback of trainings attended.
Supervisor Feedback
Feedback on feedback of supervisor.
Part 11-Disciplinary Modules Reports
Disciplinary Action
Employee history - disciplinary action history.
Part 12-Seperation Modules Reports
Seperation Details
List of seperation month wise - period wise. seperation details
Exit Interview
Exit interview details.
Part 13-Office Property Modules Reports
Office Property Issue
Report on details of properties issued to Employees
Office Property Return
Reports on status of property issued to Employees.